CodersDirect is a national database of medical coders, billers, non-bedside nurses and physicians that are seeking employment and contract opportunities. CodersDirect is not a recruiter, employer or staffing company.
CodersDirect actively solicits candidates and presents their qualifications, abilities and background to potential employers in a searchable format. Each candidate completes a series of questions related to their experience and adds a personal narrative highlighting their experience and qualifications. This format results in a more accurate and detailed assessment by employers and greatly reduces recruiting time and expense.
CodersDirect has established itself as the “go to” site for recruiters and candidates. In 2019 Coders Direct expanded the database to include Physicians and Nurses that provide non bedside services such as audits, education, appeals, utilization reviews, CDI, and other revenue-based functions.
CodersDirect also provides FREE job board postings (over 1.8 million views in 2018). Job posts are included in our weekly newsletter to over 60k subscribers, posted to numerous social media sites and appear on in the websites of affiliated health organizations.